Every Players who reach specified ranking during event period recharge using DANA through UNIPIN from 13 - 19 September 2019 will get the following prize:
1st Rank : Star Luck Horse Mount (30 Days)

2nd Rank : Charm Elf Umbrella (30 Days)

3rd - 4th Rank : Butterfly Brandish Wing and Innocent Wedding Suit/Dress (30 Days)

5th Rank : Dance Candy Wing (30 Days)

6th – 10th : Bear Hug Accessories (7 Days)

11th – 20th : Trendy Fashion (7 Days)

Notes : if there is anything you need to ask, please kindly inform to our CS Team or Facebook Inbox
Official Facebook Audistar : http://bit.ly/fb_audistar

Recharge using DANA through UNIPIN during the event period will get EXTRA DIAMOND & MAGIC LAMP EGG CARD by following the terms and conditions below:
300 Diamond : 10% Extra Diamond + Egg Card x3
980 Diamond : 15% Extra Diamond + Egg Card x10
2980 Diamond : 20% Extra Diamond + Egg Card x33
4880 Diamond : 25% Extra Diamond + Egg Card x56
6480 Diamond : 25% Extra Diamond + Egg Card x100
Notes : if there is anything you need to ask, please kindly inform to our CS Team or Facebook Inbox
Official Facebook Audistar : http://bit.ly/fb_audistar

Every player who do a Accumulation Recharge using UNIPIN or UNIPIN WALLET from 13 - 19 September 2019 will get EXTRA DIAMOND up to 25% !! by following these terms below :
- Accumulation Recharge 60 - 499 Diamond = 10% Extra Diamond
- Accumulation Recharge 500 - 1999 Diamond = 10% Extra Diamond
- Accumulation Recharge 2000 - 5999 Diamond = 15% Extra Diamond
- Accumulation Recharge 6000 - 9999 Diamond = 15% Extra Diamond
- Accumulation Recharge 10000 - 14999 Diamond = 20% Extra Diamond
- Accumulation Recharge 15000 - 19999 Diamond = 20% Extra Diamond
- Accumulation Recharge 20000 Diamond and more = 25% Extra Diamond
Notes : if there is anything you need to ask, please kindly inform to our CS Team or Facebook Inbox
Official Facebook Audistar : http://bit.ly/fb_audistar

UNIPIN will have the special events that will have Unipin Credits (UC) Cashback if the players follow this requirement from 13 - 19 September 2019
1. The players have to top-up Diamonds of Audistar Mobile by selecting UniPin Wallet as their payment channel.
2. In case, you don’t have UniPin Wallet yet, you can register for FREE at http://bit.ly/u_register
3. If you want to get Unipin Credits, you have to top up in minimum denomination 300 Diamonds.
4. During the event period, UniPin Team will find 30 players per day who will receive UniPin Credits (UC) Cashback that will be delivered to them within 3 days after they top-up. Here is the list of UniPin Credits (UC) that you can get from each country :
INDONESIA : 15,000 UniPin Credits (UC) Cashback
MALAYSIA : 3 UniPin Credits (UC) Cashback
PHILIPPINES : 36 UniPin Credits (UC) Cashback
SINGAPORE : 1 UniPin Credits (UC) Cashback
MYANMAR : 1,000 UniPin Credits (UC) Cashback
5. Each player can receive the UniPin Credits (UC) cashback more than once during the event period.
Reward to User from DANA, such as:
- Voucher Cashback 50% (Maximum 25,000)
- 1 User only eligible to get 1 Reward
Notes : if there is anything you need to ask, please kindly inform to our CS Team or Facebook Inbox
Official Facebook Audistar : http://bit.ly/fb_audistar