Audistar Fantasy Autumn

New Events have arrived ONLY FOR YOU !! AUTUMN SEASON is going to make you feel the breeze of Autumn and make you MORE FANTASTIC !! We have special events from 11 - 17 October 2019.

You can get EXCLUSIVE CHARMING FASHION, AND WINGS by following ACCUMULATE TOP UP  start from 11 - 17 OCTOBER 2019

RAIN POLLA PRINCE - Male Fashion Total Recharge 15000 Diamonds

RAIN POLLA PRINCESS - Female Fashion Total Recharge 15000 Diamonds


RAIN WINGS Total Recharge 20000 Diamonds

Not just that event, you can also get many EXCLUSIVE FASHION AND WINGS by following ACCUMULATIVE CONSUME



BLACK TEMPT - Male and Female Fashion Total Consume 15000 Diamonds

GRACEFUL TEMPT WING Total Consume 20000 Diamonds

Wow, it will make your character so elegant and gorgeous, right? you can get this EXCLUSIVE FASHION SET AND WINGS by RECHARGE Only 20000 Diamonds and CONSUME 20000 Diamonds wink


Notes : if there is anything you need to ask, please kindly inform to our CS Team or Facebook Inbox

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