In this special day, lets celebrate Audistar 100th days and make this moment to be a memorable moment with all Audistar Mobile Indofun Community, put all of your memories into a comics that related with Audistar (Romance, Friendship, Funny things and everythings is free for you to create as long its proper)
We invite you all to create your own comics strip with the theme "What moment did you get during 100 days playing Audistar"
The rules are simple:
1. Like and Share this post in your Timeline with "Public Setting"
2. Fill in your personal data and upload your comics on this form:
3. Comic files in the form of .JPG / .JPEG / .PNG with HD resolution and uploaded to the media uploader.
4. The comic must have the theme "What moment did you get during 100 days playing Audistar" and using ENGLISH LANGUAGE
5. Comics must be at least 4 panels and maximum 6 panels.
6. Submission period is from 2 - 15 March 2019
7. Your work will be the property of the Audistar Team
8. The work must be original (not plagiarism)
9. The decision of the Audistar Team is absolute
Your comics will be judged from:
1. Storytelling
a, Dialogue / Script
b. Storyline (conflict, character recognition)
2. Design
a. Layout
b. Character design (gimmick / emotion or character depiction)
c. Coloring
Best Comics: 5000 Diamonds + Special Set Avatar 7 days
Best Story: 2000 Diamonds + Special Set Avatar 7 days
Funny Comics: 2000 Diamonds + Special Set Avatar 7 days
Participation: 500 Bound Diamond + 50.000 Gold + Special Set Avatar 7 days
Lets put all of your creativity in this event, make your day memorable with Audistar! ~
#audistar #mobile #dance #game #event #comic #strip #100th #day #hangout #social #life #style #friendship #fashionista #idol #true #love